
Data for: A methodology for robust multislice ptychography

Gilgenbach, Colin; Chen, Xi; LeBeau, James M.



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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0


"Colin Gilgenbach" ( "James M. LeBeau" (


10.18126/b2sj-nt57 View on Datacite
This repository contains simulated and experimental datasets from the paper "A methodology for robust multislice ptychography". File layout This repository is structured with the following subdirectories:
  • exp-data: Raw experimental datasets, metadata and reconstruction parameters
  • sim-data: Simulated datasets, metadata and reconstruction parameters
  • code: Code for reconstruction & analysis
Metadata format 4D STEM files are provided in the EMPAD raw data format, accompanied with metadata provided in JSON format. A description of this metadata format is provided in the notebook code/data_format.ipynb, and a Python schema is provided in code/ Simulated data In addition to raw datasets + metadata, simulated datasets contain additional information. This information is summarized in the code/data_format.ipynb notebook. The supercell used for simulation is provided in the XCrysDen/XSF file format as well as the Prismatic-flavor XYZ file format. License information & acknowledements The MATLAB code provided is a modified fork of Yi Jiang's fold_slice, which is based on the PtychoShelves package developed at the Paul Scherrer Institut. In addition to the authors at PSI, the code contains work from the following authors:
  • Zhen Chen
  • Yi Jiang
  • Colin Gilgenbach
  • Michael Xu
  • Xi Chen
The code can be found on GitHub at, commit 7c9816f0584ff142c90aa836ed744a299397dad6. The code is licensed under the same license as the original PtychoShelves code, which is a academic non-commercial license from the Paul Scherr Institut. The complete license agreement can be found in the file in code/fold_slice. All reproductions of this code must be distributed under this same license. The remainder of the code and data in this repository is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. This license allows for copying, reproduction, and transformation, but requires modified versions to be released under the same license with proper attribution.