In situ X-ray micro-tomography imaging of textiles under loaded conditions. Results are presented for two textiles commonly used in parachute systems, MIL-C-7020 Type III and MIL-C-44378 Type II. The materials are subjected to incremental tension using a custom apparatus that loads the fabric radially in-plane via a plunger, and the material microstructure is imaged sequentially at steady load conditions. Micro-tomography images are processed using learning-aided segmentation.
Included are:
The raw x-ray reconstructions (tif stacks) with x-ray meta-data.
Segmented warp and weft tows (both in tif stack form).
U-NET 3D models trained for segmentation with validation loss meta-data.
Labelled warp and weft tows (both in tif stack form).
Tensile tester plunger deflection measurements and associated radiographs for deflection measurement.
Raw and processed load cell data with estimated radial stress boundary condition at lip of plunger.