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Target Color

Total Time: 0:30:15

Best Color So Far

Time To Best: 0:30:15

Target Color [120, 120, 120]
Best Color So Far [158, 147, 140]
Minimum Difference So Far 11.978
Total Plates 1
Total Iterations 2
Population Size 4
Well Budget 8
Mixed Colors [156, 147, 138] C1
[174, 165, 156] C2
[178, 168, 156] C3
[175, 161, 148] C4

[C1 C2 C3]

Plate 2

Plate 1


Run 2

Best from Run: [158, 147, 140] Run Best Diff: 11.978

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [158, 147, 140]
plate_best_diff 11.978
differences [20.242, 18.079, 15.094, 11.978]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[165.0, 156.0, 147.0], [159.161, 149.329, 139.664], [169.181, 159.798, 149.762], [173.217, 162.161, 151.046]]
run_number 2
wells ['A10', 'A11', 'A12', 'B1']
best_so_far [158, 147, 140]
results [[189, 173, 160], [180, 167, 156], [168, 158, 148], [158, 147, 140]]
exp_volumes [[137.5, 137.5, 0.0, 0.0], [229.25, 0.0, 0.0, 45.75], [94.05, 86.9, 91.215, 2.835], [30.659, 84.246, 58.786, 101.309]]
pos_on_plate 3

Run 1

Best from Run: [170, 152, 138] Run Best Diff: 15.524

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [170, 152, 138]
plate_best_diff 15.524
differences [16.112, 17.217, 17.43, 15.524]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[156, 147, 138], [174, 165, 156], [178, 168, 156], [175, 161, 148]]
run_number 1
wells ['A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9']
run_label 01HSH340W4TD036BGP0X2S37T1
best_so_far [170, 152, 138]
results [[171, 161, 149], [176, 164, 152], [176, 163, 148], [170, 152, 138]]
exp_volumes [[275.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 275.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 275.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 275.0]]
pos_on_plate 3

Workflow Steps