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Target Color

Total Time: 0:00:13

Best Color So Far

Time To Best: 0:00:12

Target Color [51, 33, 20]
Best Color So Far [179, 158, 141]
Minimum Difference So Far 46.019
Total Plates 1
Total Iterations 1
Population Size 4
Well Budget 16
Mixed Colors [174, 70, 96] C1
[6, 132, 151] C2
[181, 163, 89] C3
[30, 21, 13] C4

[C1 C2 C3]

Plate 1


Run 1

Best from Run: [179, 158, 141] Run Best Diff: 46.019

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [179, 158, 141]
plate_best_diff 46.019
differences [48.142, 48.292, 46.019, 48.746]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[94.464, 112.66, 91.509], [78.708, 99.736, 74.958], [60.353, 61.781, 47.865], [83.708, 63.88, 64.22]]
run_number 1
wells ['A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9']
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X89FKASYKQW4M57ASEFRK5
best_so_far [179, 158, 141]
results [[182, 163, 146], [184, 163, 144], [179, 158, 141], [185, 164, 143]]
exp_volumes [[28.591, 82.399, 103.233, 60.777], [1.129, 68.53, 98.522, 106.819], [14.92, 34.846, 46.589, 178.645], [83.704, 38.453, 24.1, 128.742]]
pos_on_plate 2

Workflow Steps

Take Picture duration: 0:00:00.075000
start_time: 2023-08-15 13:45:44.487000
module: camera_module
end_time: 2023-08-15 13:45:44.562000
action: take_picture
file_name: final_image.jpg
save_location: local_run_results
Take Picture duration: 0:00:00.092000
start_time: 2023-08-15 13:45:50.839000
module: camera_module
end_time: 2023-08-15 13:45:50.931000
action: take_picture
file_name: final_image.jpg
save_location: local_run_results