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Target Color

Total Time: 0:00:21

Best Color So Far

Time To Best: 0:00:21

Target Color [40, 23, 11]
Best Color So Far [145, 125, 116]
Minimum Difference So Far 35.053
Total Plates 1
Total Iterations 2
Population Size 4
Well Budget 16
Mixed Colors [147, 64, 79] C1
[18, 112, 122] C2
[171, 150, 85] C3
[22, 11, 1] C4

[C1 C2 C3]

Plate 1


Run 2

Best from Run: [145, 125, 116] Run Best Diff: 35.053

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [145, 125, 116]
best_so_far [145, 125, 116]
differences [56.661, 61.066, 60.799, 35.053]
exp_volumes [[97.693, 121.945, 9.811, 45.55], [21.263, 33.666, 151.534, 68.537], [20.714, 130.477, 81.335, 42.474], [162.728, 3.472, 14.573, 94.227]]
plate_N 1
plate_best_diff 35.053
pos_on_plate 3
results [[197, 175, 154], [206, 184, 165], [203, 184, 168], [145, 125, 116]]
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X85SP380V1ZRZGPX8S9T8G
run_number 2
tried_values [[69.948, 79.575, 85.362], [113.279, 104.056, 68.131], [73.587, 104.024, 89.129], [103.812, 51.003, 53.135]]
wells ['A10', 'A11', 'A12', 'B1']

Run 1

Best from Run: [180, 161, 144] Run Best Diff: 49.915

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [180, 161, 144]
best_so_far [180, 161, 144]
differences [49.915, 52.351, 52.811, 53.283]
exp_volumes [[3.89, 32.195, 120.447, 118.468], [15.261, 79.955, 83.187, 96.598], [121.76, 24.364, 45.963, 82.912], [83.771, 57.9, 92.914, 40.414]]
plate_N 1
plate_best_diff 49.915
pos_on_plate 0
results [[180, 161, 144], [187, 166, 147], [188, 167, 149], [189, 168, 147]]
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X85HJ2MAYZ9T2Y60A6QKC6
run_number 1
tried_values [[88.56, 84.454, 53.06], [72.846, 85.354, 65.918], [101.895, 66.647, 60.296], [109.578, 95.374, 78.618]]
wells ['A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9']

Workflow Steps

Take Picture action: take_picture
duration: 0:00:00.071000
end_time: 2023-08-15 13:43:50.166000
module: camera_module
start_time: 2023-08-15 13:43:50.095000
file_name: final_image.jpg
save_location: local_run_results