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Target Color

Total Time: 0:00:38

Best Color So Far

Time To Best: 0:00:21

Target Color [34, 18, 9]
Best Color So Far [155, 137, 127]
Minimum Difference So Far 41.067
Total Plates 1
Total Iterations 4
Population Size 4
Well Budget 16
Mixed Colors [169, 65, 92] C1
[14, 137, 152] C2
[185, 165, 88] C3
[26, 17, 11] C4

[C1 C2 C3]

Plate 1


Run 4

Best from Run: [179, 158, 141] Run Best Diff: 50.201

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [179, 158, 141]
plate_best_diff 50.201
differences [54.437, 53.34, 55.125, 50.201]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[88.256, 89.509, 84.955], [70.492, 97.357, 89.277], [116.201, 132.288, 100.871], [79.06, 74.298, 49.123]]
run_number 4
wells ['B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9']
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X8G43EMHEBF2TEFGB6ZSCM
best_so_far [155, 137, 127]
results [[186, 168, 150], [186, 165, 146], [190, 169, 152], [179, 158, 141]]
exp_volumes [[70.701, 76.398, 49.855, 78.047], [33.779, 103.562, 54.387, 83.272], [28.592, 84.231, 136.65, 25.527], [9.188, 22.544, 85.208, 158.061]]
pos_on_plate 3

Run 3

Best from Run: [171, 152, 139] Run Best Diff: 47.392

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [171, 152, 139]
plate_best_diff 47.392
differences [47.392, 50.868, 49.197, 48.311]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[94.422, 79.231, 94.333], [126.884, 110.744, 106.895], [132.454, 139.522, 104.299], [96.531, 76.592, 91.594]]
run_number 3
wells ['B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5']
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X8FW1E8YH4H0BHC8X1ZWJ2
best_so_far [155, 137, 127]
results [[171, 152, 139], [178, 160, 142], [175, 156, 138], [173, 154, 137]]
exp_volumes [[133.201, 83.37, 4.834, 53.595], [121.35, 78.4, 71.262, 3.987], [39.885, 75.005, 153.908, 6.202], [136.771, 76.039, 4.717, 57.472]]
pos_on_plate 0

Run 2

Best from Run: [155, 137, 127] Run Best Diff: 41.067

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [155, 137, 127]
plate_best_diff 41.067
differences [53.92, 49.35, 48.279, 41.067]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[44.877, 96.76, 92.723], [78.706, 84.4, 82.601], [63.667, 44.279, 40.001], [92.913, 48.3, 53.864]]
run_number 2
wells ['A10', 'A11', 'A12', 'B1']
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X8FM9SV1SSFY4BQDYRHNWB
best_so_far [155, 137, 127]
results [[188, 166, 145], [177, 156, 138], [171, 154, 134], [155, 137, 127]]
exp_volumes [[7.65, 135.343, 35.983, 96.023], [65.66, 81.054, 38.223, 90.064], [50.037, 16.149, 21.365, 187.449], [116.006, 10.309, 12.176, 136.509]]
pos_on_plate 3

Run 1

Best from Run: [176, 158, 138] Run Best Diff: 50.056

Measured Plate
Expected Plate
best_on_plate [176, 158, 138]
plate_best_diff 50.056
differences [50.056, 53.447, 55.584, 58.407]
plate_N 1
tried_values [[101.265, 74.102, 50.272], [114.794, 110.765, 99.975], [97.806, 75.534, 63.745], [98.867, 84.571, 70.307]]
run_number 1
wells ['A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9']
run_label cp_wf_mixcolor_01H7X8FBWPGN3GJMME6H21CBR9
best_so_far [176, 158, 138]
results [[176, 158, 138], [187, 165, 145], [191, 170, 153], [197, 176, 157]]
exp_volumes [[44.522, 1.726, 90.263, 138.489], [86.184, 79.219, 82.043, 27.555], [70.072, 28.054, 63.289, 113.585], [62.462, 39.994, 72.869, 99.675]]
pos_on_plate 0

Workflow Steps

Take Picture duration: 0:00:00.066000
start_time: 2023-08-15 13:49:28.442000
module: camera_module
end_time: 2023-08-15 13:49:28.508000
action: take_picture
file_name: final_image.jpg
save_location: local_run_results